Anton Kilburn teaches science at Global Impact STEM Academy. He recently attended Commodity Classic 2017 as a GrowNextGen teacher leader. At the event, he hoped to meet business partners for future cooperative endeavors and to learn about new agricultural methods and products. His goal: to build exciting, engaging, and applicable curriculum for his students.

Commodity Classic provided all this and more. Kilburn said, “A more informed teacher becomes a better teacher, and I can share this information with my students so they have the most recent, cutting-edge knowledge to prepare them for their careers.”

Kilburn was amazed by the large amount of agricultural resources on display. He said, “I heard that the event would be huge, but I had no idea there would be so many booths, magic shows, interactive kiosks, and people willing to talk about their product and to work with you.”

He felt the event was very helpful to him as an educator. “I would tell my students that if they ever had a chance to attend Commodity Classic, they should. I have shared much of what I learned, and I’ve been able to connect my curriculum more to real-life situations. I’m even using some of the samples to test in my lab experiments.”