The problem? Finding workers for the many life sciences jobs in Ohio. The solution? Part of it is to reach teachers, who are on the frontline in helping students become aware of these career opportunities.

Eddie Pauline, BioOhio President and CEO, recently met with participants in the Ag and Med Biotech workshop held at Otterbein University in Westerville. He shared about his organization’s efforts to get students interested in these careers and to help them get connected with the organizations and businesses involved.

Ohio has a strong health care system, but the life sciences companies are not as prominent. “It is increasingly important to educate our students about the life sciences and make them aware of the brands in our area,” Pauline said. He pointed out AmGen, a multinational biopharmaceutical company now building a facility near Columbus.

“You all have a critical part in helping us activate a workforce development strategy,” Pauline said. “Our mission is to unify industry and education to grow Ohio’s life sciences workforce.”

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