David Lockard is an instructional coach for the Cleveland Metropolitan School District. He attended the ChickQuest workshop and conducted the lessons and hatching with two Special Education classrooms at Louis Agassiz Elementary School.

“It was a wonderful experience, and the kids were extremely enthusiastic. We did not get to complete all of the lessons due to the various levels at which the scholars are able to perform, but we would like to be able to conduct the exercise again now in the spring! Along with the classroom teachers, I will move forward in the students’ workbooks with the lessons we did not yet complete. I would also like to obtain fertilized eggs so that we can again watch the chicks hatch and enjoy the miracle of life! One of our students who is very limited verbally, asks me EVERY day “chicks?”! I keep telling him that we will do it again this spring, and he is completely delighted! This was a fantastic program, and I look forward to implementing it many times in the future!”