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GrowNextGen teacher leader

Leah LaCrosse

Eighth Grade Science Educator in Huron City Schools

LaCrosse can be contacted about the topics of science, technology, drones, and problem-based learning. She’s interested in collaborating about ag science.

What was your “aha” moment when you realized the value of using agriculture as a vehicle to teach science?

My a-ha moment was during the Commodity Classics 2019. Conversations with industry leaders, farmers, and others helped me see the deep science and technology that is involved in producing our food and products. I have so much to learn, and the possibility of helping students see the real world connections is exciting!

How do you help students make the industry or real-world connection to what they’re learning?

I help students make real-world connections by presenting real-world problems to them in engineering challenges. For example, I challenge my students to create solutions to water-based litter by designing, building, testing, and re-designing a pollution pick-up system with Sphero robots as the motor for the system. Being on the shores of Lake Erie, students can see this real-world problem and work towards solutions for our location and around the world. Learning through play and investigation is so important!

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