Teachers attending the Science Education Council of Ohio’s 2018 Science Symposium got the opportunity to experience Ohio Soybean Council-sponsored GrowNextGen in several ways!

We had a booth in the exhibit hall where experienced GrowNextGen teacher leaders shared about our resources: curriculum, e-learning courses, career videos, and workshops. Two workshops conducted by Heather Bryan, Jeanne Gogolski, and Jane Hunt provided hands-on lesson exposure!

  • Hatch chicks in your classroom; virtual farm tours—The group got engaged in designing and constructing egg catchers, part of the ChickQuest STEM activities. Those present also learned about the Ohio Pork Council’s virtual farm tours. Each participant received a free ChickQuest student logbook and a Welcome to Our Farm book.

Ooeey Gooey Gobs of Green Goo—Teachers tested water quality as part of this lesson from grownextgen.org, considering biological oxygen demands and harmful algal blooms. Each participant received nitrogen test strips and a phosphate test kit.