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GrowNextGen teacher leader

Stephanie Jolliff

Ag Ed Instructor and FFA Advisor for Ridgemont Schools

Joliff is interested in collaboration about hot topics in agriculture, online-blended learning, agricultural curricular alignment, and innovative educational design.

Teachers are welcome to contact her about:

What about teaching excites you?

Each of us has only one chance to walk on this earth. Hence, as an educator, I only get one chance to make a difference in my students’ lives, to prepare them for their future beyond my classroom doors. Student success after high school is the greatest achievement I can offer in education. I work to develop curriculum that provides strong academic instruction combined with innovation and enthusiasm to create an irresistible education. A student’s passions, talents, and dreams should be woven into each student’s educational experience.

How do you help students make the industry or real-world connection to what they’re learning?

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