
Explore, download and share these proven real-world educational resources to help bring science and agriculture to life in your classroom. Relevant and engaging, you’ll find useful, easy-to-implement lesson plans and activities.


Gel electrophoresis basics

3 lessons, 13 files
How might students identify patterns in samples of DNA or proteins? In what ways can we see if the gene(s) of interest are present? This unit leads students through the process of setting up gel electrophoresis chambers, understanding the mechanics, and experimenting with various aspects of running gels.

Central dogma: an integration of science and art

4 lessons, 15 files
How does DNA code become an expressed trait? Do your students struggle to understand the “central dogma” of biology? Are you looking for innovative teaching techniques? This unit is an integrated art and science project to teach transcription …

AFNR biotechnology

6 lessons, 7 files
What are the current issues in biotechnology? There is a lot of resistance to genetic modification and the use of genetically modified crops. What is the science? This unit helps to provide some background in cell function and DNA properties, …

Moving genes: intro to genetic engineering

5 lessons, 14 files
How do we solve the problems created by 9 billion people? How will we feed 9 billion on about the same amount of land? An introduction to genetic engineering through hands-on and modeling activities that illustrate concepts, which will scaffold student understanding for lab activities to follow, especially focused on …