Tagged GMO


AFNR biotechnology

6 lessons, 7 files
What are the current issues in biotechnology? There is a lot of resistance to genetic modification and the use of genetically modified crops. What is the science? This unit helps to provide some background in cell function and DNA properties, …

GMOs: What do you know? Breakout

3 lessons, 8 files
How much do you know about GMOs? There is a lot of misinformation about what a GMO is and what foods are genetically modified. Use this unit as a review or a compelling way to engage students in the topic of GMOs using a “breakout,” …

GMOs go global: should they be labeled?

5 lessons, 11 files
Should labeling of GMOs be mandatory? What do you know about genetic modification? Is genetic modification helpful or harmful? This unit will help to develop student thinking about genetic modification and food security issues around the …

Moving genes: intro to genetic engineering

5 lessons, 14 files
How do we solve the problems created by 9 billion people? How will we feed 9 billion on about the same amount of land? An introduction to genetic engineering through hands-on and modeling activities that illustrate concepts, which will scaffold student understanding for lab activities to follow, especially focused on …

Selective Breeding and GMOs

3 lessons, 5 files
What is genetic modification? How does it dffer from selective breeding? A lot of questions surround definitions of genetic modification. This unit models two different techniques of genetic modification and tries to help students understand the terms and the consequences …