Steven Hart
Vice President of Market Development at Global Aquaculture Alliance
My responsibilities include developing online educational materials for responsible aquaculture practices, investigating emerging issues affecting aquaculture stakeholders, working with GAA constituents to respond to emerging issues, expanding activities with other related groups, and generating content for GAA’s communications vehicles.
What is the benefit of collaboration between industry and education?
The main purpose of education is for establishing skill sets and forming belief systems that will help people establish themselves in new careers. By collaborating with education institutions, industry can convey what specific skill sets they are looking for in prospective employees and help develop that talent through collaborative projects.
What value/assistance can you and your company provide to teachers and classrooms as they connect with you?
I would be happy to help educators with teaching aquaculture principals through any manner of venues. I would suggest that if an educator is interested in having me get involved with their students they should reach out to me with a couple of ideas on what would work best.
Why should teachers connect with you through GrowNextGen?
I believe I have a fairly unique perspective on science-based careers. I have a Ph.D. in fish nutrition, but I wound up going to work outside of secondary education. I can speak to the benefits of education and how it has helped me get into an executive leadership position.
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