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dupont pioneer
Ag Biotech Academy: another winning workshop!
Ag Biotech Academy 2017: 2 days, 29 teachers, and lots of lively learning! This Ohio Soybean Council-sponsored workshop took place at the Global Impact STEM Academy in July, with two activity tracks. AgBiotech 101, presented by GNG teacher leader…
Ag technology connects to a bounty of careers
At July’s Ag Biotech Academy, Dupont Pioneer Field Agronomist Jonah Johnson and Product Agronomist Matt Stroud spoke to educators about developments in agricultural technology. Farmers want to grow food more cheaply and meet the world’s demands for…
3 lessons
Are you sterile? Using sterile technique to tissue culture plants
How do sterilization techniques affect our ability to preserve and culture organisms?
In vitro collecting (IVC) is the process of starting plant tissue cultures with minimal disturbance to the plants when viable seeds are not available. Become the field researcher and learn how to…
Big benefits from high oleic soybeans
How can soybeans help you eat healthy? Many favorite fried and baked food are made with traditional cooking oils, which contain high amounts of trans fat and saturated fat. Doctors recommend that people reduce the amount of these fats in their…
Watch this video to learn about careers with DuPont Pioneer! Matt Stroud, Product Agronomist and Rebekah Peck, Communications Manager talk about their careers with DuPont Pioneer.
Congratulations to our Teacher Leader Katrina Swinehart!
Katrina Swinehart, a GrowNextGen teacher leader, was recently selected as one of DuPont Pioneer’s Agriscience Teachers of the Year. The path to this award began in December, as 315 teachers applied to be considered for this competitive opportunity.…
Crops on campus
“I’ve always wondered why they had corn here.” Now it’s clear to the students in Chuck Crawford’s AP Environmental Science class: The soybean and corn patch at Dublin Jerome High School is part of their studies. Crawford has attended agriculture…
Matthew Stroud
Product Agronomist at DuPont Pioneer
Knows about:
dupont pioneer
research and development
test plot
5 lessons
Moving genes: intro to genetic engineering
How do we solve the problems created by 9 billion people? How will we feed 9 billion on about the same amount of land?
An introduction to genetic engineering through hands-on and modeling activities that illustrate concepts, which will scaffold student understanding for lab activities to follow, especially focused on…
Precision in gene editing presents great potential
Kirk Reese, DuPont Pioneer Agronomy Research Manager, spoke to teachers at the Ohio Soybean Council-sponsored Ag Biotech Academy workshop about CRISPR-CAS technology, a bacterial immune system used to make precise genetic changes within organisms.…
Urban students plant soybeans
“Most people think agriculture means to put plants in the ground and drive tractors around,” said science teacher Chuck Crawford. He wants to stop this limited portrayal of agriculture by educating youth about the processes and possibilities in…
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