Erin Molden teaches science at Kettering Fairmont High School. With a background in biomedical research and a knack for engaging students, she’s geeked about bringing biotechnology to her students.

“One of my students’ favorite labs is when we make biodiesel. They get to see the entire process and then they get to test it, which of course means we get to light things on fire. Students are always on board when you light things on fire,” Erin shares.
Using her biomedical background, Erin developed an e-learning course on gel electrophoresis with GrowNextGen. “The idea is, your students can hop on and go through the e-learning course. They learn about the technique even if they don’t have the equipment to do gel electrophoresis in the classroom,” she explains.
“As GrowNextGen teacher leaders, we’re also teachers in the classroom. We have an idea of what teachers might need, what pitfalls they might fall into, or modifications they might need” Erin adds. She facilitates multiple GrowNextGen teacher workshops as a teacher leader, including Ag Biotech Academy.
Bring biotechnology into your classroom with the gel electrophoresis e-learning course Erin developed and explore it yourself at the Ag Biotech Academy.
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