Teachers from Ohio and other states recently got a close-up look at the wide variety of resources available from GrowNexGen and the Ohio Soybean Council.

An evening webinar led by Educationprojects.org’s Director of Education Jane Hunt began with a walk-through of the website’s features: e-learning courses, now enhanced with voice overs; content collections; career pathways with discussion guides; career videos; industry leaders to connect with your classroom; and virtual field trips.

Next, participants split up in groups to explore the website for themselves. Working with teacher leaders in breakout rooms, they found resources to create a lesson package on a specific topic, including a career connection.

The groups reconvened to share what they’d found and talk about what other things they’d like to see added to the site.

The webinar concluded with an invitation for teachers to join us for future webinars and upcoming events. You’re welcome, too! Watch our events page for info!