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GrowNextGen industry leader

Cassandra Palsgrove

Program Administrator - Center for Teaching, Leading, and Learning

Cassandra knows a lot about: ffa, agriculture education, careers, teacher education

I work with school and industry partnerships to help students become successful in their lives.

What is the benefit of collaboration between industry and education?

The benefits are endless. The goal of education is to properly prepare students to be successful in life, and a big part of life is being employable.

What value/assistance can you and your company provide to teachers and classrooms as they connect with you? assistance, ODE business, and implementing career pathways & business partnerships

Why should teachers connect with you through GrowNextGen?

Connect with me for the latest information from Career Connections. GrowNextGen is a great platform for networking and sharing of resources, and I am eager to be of service in any way possible!

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