In an effort to build stability into their food system, the European Parliament passed legislation to support gene-edited plants.
“New Genomic Techniques are crucial to strengthen Europe’s food security and to green our agricultural production. The new rules will allow the development of improved plant varieties that can ensure higher yields, be climate resistant or which require fewer fertilizers and pesticides,” said Jessica Polfjärd of Sweden.

Even the terms are confusing! GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, are living things that have had the DNA from another living organism added to its genome.
Researchers testified before European lawmakers, saying the small DNA tweaks in gene-edited crops were not the same as GMOs.
Introduce your students to the differences in biotechnology techniques with our classroom-ready Selective Breeding and GMOs unit.
This unit models two different techniques of genetic modification and tries to help students understand the terms and the consequences of human intervention in food production.
Access your Selective Breeding and GMOs unit now!
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