Amy Sigg Davis
I have a 1100 acre farm where we grow commodity corn & soybeans. It’s a complete hands-on operation, from planting to harvest to elevator!
What is the benefit of collaboration between industry and education?
Agriculture is the largest industry in Ohio. As such, it affects education and all aspects of industry such as food, animal husbandry, and bioproducts including ethanol and biodiesel. Almost anything that relates to agriculture also relates to some aspect of our daily lives as well as industry and the economy, from plastics to the beef we eat and the lecithin in our candy bars, and so on.
What do teachers and students need to know about your industry?
They need to know how important farming is to our daily lives, not just for food but for all the other ag applications. Farmers in North America, especially here in Ohio, are some of the finest conservationists in the world. Their goal is to conserve the soil, the air, preserve our planet. Students and teachers also need to know there is a huge future in the ag industry in terms of different kinds of jobs, whether they’re interested in traditional farming or in being chemists working to find a new use for soybeans and ways to replace petroleum products.
What value/assistance can you and your company provide to teachers and classrooms as they connect with you?
I would be happy to do whatever I can to support GrowNextGen and the students and teachers. I am willing to provide background information for lesson content, do a classroom visit (schedule permitting), host a field trip for a family, and/or serve on a teacher’s advisory board.
Why should teachers connect with you through GrowNextGen?
I enjoy talking with others about my situation. It’s a fun and unusual agriculture experience with some unique features: I’m a woman, a third-generation farmer, and my husband keeps our books!
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