Jamie Hannen
Senior Food Scientist—Retail R&D at T. Marzetti Company
I develop dressings, dips, sauces, and various other products for the Retail Grocery R&D Group at Marzetti.
What is the benefit of collaboration between industry and education?
I believe the foundation of any industry is education. Education is a lifelong process and when individuals collaborate they have the ability to strengthen their education in multiple ways, allowing them to be more successful. It is important to use every resource available so that society can advance.
What value/assistance can you and your company provide to teachers and classrooms as they connect with you?
We can potentially do plant tours or job shadowing for older students. I am willing to be contacted by a teacher to plan a lesson such as a chemistry lesson about emulsions with an attached lab about making water in oil and oil in water emulsions and then making salad dressings. I would be willing to speak about the jobs that I know about in the industry or describe a day in the life of a Food Scientist. I could lead teachers to resources about the FDA, USDA, and laws regulating our food supply and food labeling. I could send samples to a classroom to help with a demonstration.
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