Patrick Terrien
President and CEO of Global Education at Columbus Council on World Affairs
I lead all aspect of programming and strategy for the organization including development, community partnerships, staffing, and strategic planning. I launched Global Scholars Diploma™, and I’ve secured high profile national advisors and funders such as the Asia Society, Longview Foundation, Procter and Gamble, Harvard, Gallup, and Honda. I often speak for national and local organizations such as Harvard University’s “Think Tank on Global Education” and The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business on topics ranging from nonprofit entrepreneurship to globalization to corporate social responsibility.
What is the benefit of collaboration between industry and education?
Unfortunately, industry and education don’t collaborate with any regularity although their goals are inextricably bound to one another. Schools want their graduates to be successful and competitive in the global marketplace and industry leaders want their employees to be as savvy and innovative as possible. So it seems that sharing in a better understanding of how to support one another would benefit both industry and education greatly while giving graduates and future employees the best possible tools and skills for success. Schools need to know what employers and industry leaders are looking for, what challenges they face and what skills are needed to mitigate those issues. In turn, those in industry need to understand how and what students are being taught. The opportunity for cross-communication and collaboration would greatly benefit both education and industry ultimately ensuring that students are best prepared for the future.
What value/assistance can you and your company provide to teachers and classrooms as they connect with you?
As an organization focused on global issues, we are one of 93 sister organizations across the country. We have many contacts on a wide range of issues and enjoy working to bring academic or industry expertise to students. Additionally we hope to expand the curriculum for teachers and students to explore how global issues affect nearly every aspect of every day life both locally and internationally. If you have a need or are interested in what might be possible, please send me an email and we can look into a variety of options.
Why should teachers connect with you through GrowNextGen?
GrowNextGen is a tremendous resource for teachers and students alike. It provides videos, e-learning courses and additional learning materials aimed at shedding light on how the agriculture industry, specifically soybeans, offers limitless opportunity for future careers and innovative development on issues that affect Ohioans locally, nationally and across the globe. The information therein takes students beyond the classroom and challenges them to apply their knowledge and ideas within a fast-paced, highly competitive global agriculture industry.
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