Ohio student Kolesen McCoy was selected as a National FFA Officer at the recent national convention and will serve as National FFA’s President. McCoy had served last year as State FFA President. He participated in a competitive process to represent FFA’s 700,000-plus members on the six-person officer team.

McCoy is a 2018 graduate of Global Impact STEM Academy (GISA) and is pursuing a degree at The Ohio State University in Agribusiness and Economics. Although he does not have an ag background, McCoy became interested in this field during his time at GISA. GISA science teacher Rachel Sanders said, “One major attribute that stands out to me about Kolesen is his willingness to try new opportunities presented to him, such as participating in the FFA Job Interview and Public Speaking Career Development Events, especially since he was a very shy and quiet freshman when first challenged by us to compete.”

As a junior, McCoy was selected to be a Global Youth Institute Delegate for the State of Ohio, where he presented to Nobel Laureates at the World Food Prize in Iowa. He networked with peers and global leaders on ways to help solve food security issues not only locally but globally. Sanders said, “He also served as a high school ambassador for GNG, showing how agriculture is a STEM-related field by helping run bio-based STEM outreach events at local elementary schools and the Clark County Fair, as well as a pre-session and activities at the GNG Booth at FFA State Convention. Kolesen’s thirst for new opportunities led him to new adventures that allowed him to reflect and find his purpose. Kolesen is a very genuine young man who serves for the greater good. He truly has a positive outlook on life and will make the most out of any opportunity.”

photo: Ohio’s Country Journal