When winter weather hits, teachers need plans for assignments that can be completed at home or as make-up work. The GrowNextGen website has several e-learning courses that are easy to use in blizzard bags.

Jeremy Grove, Agriscience Instructor at East Technical High School in Cleveland, said, “While most other teachers in the school struggled to determine what they could use for blizzard bags last year, I knew that the GrowNextGen website would be be my key to making sure students were still learning while they were out of school.” Grove said many other teachers assigned projects that would take multiple days instead of assigning work that would be equal to one missed class period. “Since the eLearning courses only take 10 to 15 minutes to complete, students were able to finish the work I assigned during a study hall or other time period that was equivalent to a class period,” Grove explained.

The GrowNextGen website currently offers three e-learning courses: Soybeans 101, Modern Agriculture Practices and Bioproducts. More courses will be added in the coming year. The courses are interactive and pre- and post-tests so students can track their level of improvement. More importantly, teachers can set up class lists where they can track which students have completed the courses and how they scored.

Grove recommended that before bad weather hits, teachers should take a few minutes to prepare.

  • Show students how to register on GrowNextGen.org.
  • When students set up their profile, have them indicate which teacher should receive their e-learning course scores.
  • Collect the student-generate user names so that you’ll be able to identify each student’s scores.

Taking these steps ahead of time will ensure you’re ready when the next round of winter weather hits!