Want to help your students explore career options they might not even be aware of? Allyssa Mullett used the GrowNextGen career exploration videos with about 60 students in her freshman and sophomore level classes at River View High School.

Once a month, Mullett assigned a career video exploration assignment. Students watched the videos and answered questions. “They liked seeing a variety of careers related to agriculture,” said Mullett. After viewing the videos, Mullett used group discussion time to connect the careers in the videos to other careers in the community.

“I am working on making some career videos of local agriculture positions to supplement the GrowNextGen videos,” said Mullett. “These videos supported my curriculum in regards to careers, leadership skills, and real world connection to agriculture. I appreciate the GrowNextGen website as a resource for teaching materials as well as extension activities to allow students to explore topics more in depth.”

Mullett learned about the career resources on GrowNextGen after attending last summer’s Ag Biotech Academy. Watch our website, social media, and monthly newsletters for information about upcoming events!