GNG teacher leader Todd Tayloe is working on another aquaponics project this school year! The set-up includes tilapia in a tank that provides water for growing plants.

“We started planting seeds on August 17 and also began cycling the tank that day,” Tayloe said. “I picked up 25 fish from Roothouse Aquaponics, a farm in Clermont County that grows greens and tilapia, on August 30.

“The fish started off at about a quarter pound each, or 120 grams. Our goal is to get them to 2 pounds or 900 grams by the end of the year. This year the lettuce we grow will go to the cafeteria for the salad bar.”

In addition, Tayloe’s class is growing basil, which was part of a pasta meal in the lunchroom.

Our Aquaculture e-learning course will help your students understand how aquaculture is helping meet the global demand for protein!