GrowNextGen Teacher leaders Meredith Wolfe, Courtney Bockbrader and Whitney Short presented recently at the Ohio Agricultural Education Summer Teacher Conference. They met with 33 educators during two workshops on the Ohio State University campus. During the workshops, teachers learned how to conduct several labs from the GrowNextGen website, connecting with AFNR curriculum. The labs included making a water filter, examining macroinvertebrates, making soy-based chapstick and soap, extracting human DNA and conducting a food triangle test. Presenters also talked about how to incorporate an agriscience fair into the classroom.
Short said, “We also highlighted areas of the GrowNextGen website and discussed ways to incorporate each part into the classroom. Teachers walked away from the workshop with simple, inexpensive labs to take right into the classroom and use during the next school year. They also had a variety of resources to use in several different classes from the GNG website. Teacher feedback was very positive.”
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