These new e-learning courses compliment career videos already on our website, allowing students to explore the topic more fully. The courses are comprehensive and highly interactive. And they’re fun, with terrific games and activities to allow students to check their knowledge. Teachers can use these courses as a class activity or as part of a blizzard bag. 

Soy Protein and World Hunger 

World hunger is a growing problem. As the population increases and more people move into urban areas, it’s important to be able to feed everyone. Learn how soybeans can help solve that problem. In this course, students will:

  • describe problem of world hunger
  • identify rapid population growth areas
  • correlate world hunger and growing population
  • identify global hunger areas
  • identify hunger health risks
  • compare national protein consumption
  • recall soy nutritional information

Aquaculture and Soy Protein

The demand for protein is increasing worldwide. Aquaculture can help meet that demand and provide benefits to the environment and the economy. Students will learn the answers to these questions and more:

  • What is aquaculture?
  • Why is aquaculture needed?
  • Why is worldwide demand for protein increasing?
  • What are American aquaculture methods?
  • What are the benefits of feeding fish soybean meal?

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