The 2019 National Science Teachers’ Association conference was held in St. Louis this year. During the two day conference, the GNG team presented these great workshops:

Engineering solutions with designing, coding, robotics, and agriculture
Hello, my name is GMO
Moving genes
Macromolecules in my pet food?
GMOs: What do you know? A breakout game

The hands-on workshops were a hit with the attendees. Several teachers who attended the first ones made a point to be in subsequent sessions, saying they learned a lot and had fun doing it! We also had the opportunity to talk about the curriculum and other resources on our website with over 500 teachers who stopped by our booth.

The movie Food Evolution, which considers the role of GMOs in feeding a growing population, was screened at NSTA. If you are looking for a quick way to capture some thoughts about GMOs, we’ve got a free discussion guide and poster of GMO modifications on our site.