In Kelly Lewis’ bioscience technologies program at the Gahanna Lincoln High School satellite of Eastland-Fairfield CTS, students learn about genetics, food science, forensic science, and more. They graduate after two years with 4 high school science credits and 8 College Credit Plus credits.

This program is open to students from a variety of local high schools, and interested prospects take part in an open house to learn more. Lewis’ current students recently made soy ice cream with sophomores visiting the bioscience program.

“We use that activity as a vehicle to discuss the uses of soy and its importance in feeding a growing population,” Lewis said. “We also discuss the different types of soy and the possibilities of manipulating soy to have different traits, like the high-oleic Plenish soybeans which have higher “good” cholesterol as a way to make a healthier oil for cooking and other uses.” Lewis had about 70 students visit the program that evening.

This lesson combines the deliciousness of ice cream with information about milk types in different cultures and food security. Try it in your classroom!