Looking for some high-oleic soybean oil for labs, or want a drone demonstration at your school? Stephanie Jolliff and Shelby Faulkner of Ridgemont High School made an audience aware of these possibilities and more at ACTE. Their presentation, “Creating Excitement around High-Tech Agriculture Careers”, demonstrated the need for more graduates in high-demand ag-related fields and showed how GrowNext Gen can connect the classroom to this industry.

The audience, made up of mostly superintendents and career tech school supervisors, was particularly intrigued by the leaders page, which allows teachers to reach out to a variety of industry people. “They appreciate this kind of highly valid, unbiased, reliable and responsive support,” said Jolliff. “As administrators are called upon to coach teachers, this gives them something to take back that will be very helpful.”

Want to connect with a leader but not sure where to start? We’ll help! Just let us know what you’re interested in!