15 lucky classrooms will be learning about drones thanks to the Ohio Soybean Council and GrowNextGen! They received the DJI EDU Tello drone. It is programmable and has the capability to be controlled by a smartphone or iPad as well.
The group met recently to share ideas and tips about getting the drones set up and ready to use. The meeting was led by GrowNextGen educational specialist Jane Hunt with support from teacher leaders Jamie Brown of Miami East Junior High and Leah LaCrosse of Huron City Schools. LaCrosse wrote the Drones in the classroom lesson available on our website.
Jim Love is the Light Robotics Manager for Becks Hybrids. He knows a lot about drones and often shares his knowledge at schools. Love talked to the group about drone use in agriculture today. Drones began as a tool to gather data about fields. Now they can be equipped with sprayers to increase speed and efficiency of application.
We’re excited to follow their progress and see what cool things they do!
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