Jamie Brown teaches science and math at Miami East Junior High. She is part of OREP, a special program for Ohio rural educators to experience problem-based learning while gaining agriculture-specific content knowledge and tools for their classroom. Participants receive supplies and have opportunities to meet with industry experts, as well as attending learning events at Waterman Farms and Farm Science Review.

“I heard about OREP through an Education Projects email. I was immediately excited about the opportunity and reached out to my principal for approval to apply. Over the past two days at Waterman Farms and Farm Science Review, it’s been pretty amazing to hear about biotechnology.

“I’d never really grasped some of the components of GMOs. For example, I found Bt-traited corn to be incredible. The plant has been modified to create a toxin that kills caterpillars in their larval stage - how cool! It’s amazing how research and technology has really changed the world of ag over the past 5-6 decades.

“Additionally, it was amazing to see how many career opportunities are out there for my students - everything from vet technicians to software developers. Overall, through this program, I hope to gain a deeper understanding of agriculture and the problems farmers are facing. With that understanding, I hope to provide my students with the opportunity to discuss and dive into those problems while also exploring innovative solutions.”

Interested? Watch for your chance to join this program next summer!