The Ohio Soybean Foundation is sponsoring awards in 2018 for soybean-related projects in the areas of biology, chemistry, engineering, physics, and or earth/environmental sciences. Awards are given for the best projects at districts and state level.

The GrowNextGen website is visited by 12,000 people each year. Students are encouraged to share their soybean-focused research and experiments here so that other students, teachers and industry leaders can learn from and build on the latest in agriscience discoveries. To submit these for review, please contact Jane Hunt.

GrowNextGen provides support for science teachers with free curriculum, career information, and industry experts’ contacts. Our industry leaders have agreed to be contacted regarding students’ work, and they are able to offer suggestions and feedback.

Here are just a few of the helpful experts! See the full list here.

You can find more information about the Ohio Soybean Foundation awards and resources here.