From nearby farms here in Ohio, soybeans are in for an interesting journey, and it takes a LOT of people to make it happen! One of the key players is Zen-Noh Grain Corporation in Convent LA, located on the Mississippi River above New Orleans.
Started in 1979, the corporation wanted to find an easier and more efficient way to export grain to world markets. These markets include Asia, the Middle East, and South America. Zen-Noh handles 1 out of every 8 bushels of total US corn and soybean exports. Nearly 60% of US grain exports go through their facility, including grains for human consumption and for livestock feed.
Farms up to 1800 miles away send grain down Mississippi tributaries. Zen-Noh handles more than 1500 metric tons of grain each year, moving it from barges, trucks and rail cars to ocean-going ships. Each vessel holds the equivalent of a season’s harvest from 21 average-sized farms.
From the farm to the world: have your students watch this video and list all the jobs that are part of this process. What kind of skills are involved?
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