We’re looking all over Ohio for great science fair projects! The Ohio Soybean Council Foundation sponsors up to three $100 Ohio Soybean Bioscience Awards at each of the 17 district science fairs across Ohio. The purpose of the award is to inspire 5th through 12th grade students to use a combination of soybeans, science, technology, engineering and math to explore ways soybeans can help feed a growing population and enhance environmental sustainability.

In March, 59 students were evaluated by a team of trained judges who awarded scholarships to 37 students based on their projects and use of the scientific method. The students presented a wide variety of projects, ranging from how soybeans can be used in times of drought, to how soybeans grow in different media and conditions, to how soybeans can be used to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. One judge commented, “I loved the experience! It was great to see so many young educated students building their knowledge in science fields.”

Some of these projects may qualify for the state science fair in May. The best soybean projects of an individual student and of a team will each be recognized with a $1,000 prize.

We hope teachers and students will brainstorm soybean-related projects for the 2018 science fairs to both compete for this award and to help us solve some of the world’s most complex and pressing issues.