Katherine Velikaz is a 7th and 8th grade science and 8th grade CTE teacher at Ottawa River Elementary in Toledo, Ohio. She won a STEM to STEM grant award from GrowNextGen and the Ohio Soybean Council that provided several Chromebooks for her students.

Velikaz said, “My students were so excited about the Chromebooks from the moment the box was delivered to the classroom. They have explored career fields on the GrowNextGen website. It opened students up to new career possiblities they had not yet thought of!”

Velikaz has also used the GNG lesson “Hello, my name is… GMO”. “Not only is it helping my students to enrich their genetics lessons,” Velikaz said, “it’s also allowing them to ask questions about the food they are eating. The students are engaged and enthusiastic about learning. We are beyond grateful for the Chromebooks to use in the classroom!”