In Advanced Biology, students are required to know what DNA is and how it works with replication, transcription and translation. What better way to demonstrate these steps and to solidify learning than to act out the processes as a group, using your body? Samantha William’s students at Williamsburg High School had limited biology backgrounds, so this was a helpful activity to ensure they understood the information she was giving them. Williams said, “My students had no idea that there were this much chemistry or bonding when it came to DNA.”

Williams found this activity useful to incorporate a lab in a unit that could have been a bit boring. “This was such a great way to enliven their knowledge and to enforce how DNA is shaped and how it splits and replicates. My students really enjoyed the active modeling!”

This activity is just one of the fun, hands-on lessons covered at Ohio Soybean Council-sponsored GrowNextGen’s Ag Biotech Academy workshop. There are still some spots available for this summer. Register now!