Want to teach your students about agriculture and GMOs? Miami Valley Career Technology Center teacher Amy Group found some great resources at the Ohio Soybean Council-sponsored Ag Biotech Academy workshop to share with her Environmental Science class.

Group said, “We started off the unit with Jimmy Kimmel’s video clip ‘What does GMO stand for?’ The students laughed and were immediately hooked!” Group then introduced background information about genetic engineering.

The activities Group used from the Ag Biotech Academy included the paper model of Genetic Engineering of a Soybean Group said the model was useful because it allowed the students to manipulate the genes themselves. “In the past I have used an online simulation, but they responded well to being able to cut, paste, and see the genetic code.”

The students also enjoyed the gel electrophoresis activity, Using Dyes to Simulate A GMO Detection. They had to determine which sample was the GMO sample. This activity was part of a kit provided to teachers who attended the workshop. Want one? Register now for this summer’s workshop!

To cap off the unit, students created infographics to share what they’d learned about GMOs with the public. They were required to include the definition of GMOs, how they are created, and their benefits.