Get your students involved in this great PBL opportunity! All students in Ohio are invited! Work as a team to imagine, design and prototype a solution to increase food security in your life, community, or world—feed 9B people by 2050.

Agriculture is the number one economic driver in Ohio, bringing in over $105B each year. One in seven Ohioans has a job related to agriculture and food. One-third of Ohioans face food security issues. This is a relevant, real-world challenge to engage your students!


The Ohio STEM Learning Network presents this challenge to students at all levels. This is the third year for the activity. Each participating school will use a design challenge model. using this method, school leaders help students think critically and create solutions for the problem to develop knowledge and skills.

Learn more about the issues involved!

GrowNextGen is offering two free events to help teachers learn more and prepare for this design challenge.