See robots in action, rolling over top soil and compacting it to varying degrees! See (and hear!) putt putt boats racing around in a pool, powered by soybean biodiesel fuel! Engineer an egg catcher and test your design! Make a soybean seed necklace and soy ink! Sponsored by the Ohio Soybean Council and Battelle, GrowNextGen ambassadors are presenting these activities and engaging the public with information about modern agriculture during the Ohio State Fair.

The first two activities are just a small part of the comprehensive and redesigned Ohio ag-focused “Land and Living” exhibit in the Nationwide/Donahey Ag & Hort building.

Different tread designs and wheel configurations are being used to reduce soil compaction by tractors as they make trips across the field to fertilize and plant in spring and to spray herbicides or pesticides as needed throughout the growing season. In the Technology section of Land and Living, fair attendees can see different tires in action and assess how they affect the soil. This lesson is available free on

Making biodiesel from soybeans allows students to make and test biodiesel in the classroom. In the Environment section, people can race putt putt boats and learn more about the advantages of biofuels as renewable resources that also reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We’re using biodiesel fuel provided by Benchmark Biodiesel.

Did you know that chickens love to eat protein-packed soybean meal? In the Lausche building, you’ll get a chance to design an egg catcher and consider the importance of safely moving newly-laid eggs! Other activities in the Lausche building include making a soybean seed necklace to take home and watch sprout, along with making renewable soy ink.

So be sure to visit the Land and Living exhibit and the Lausche building and check out these and other great hands-on activities! We’ll be watching for you!