Are your students aware of the wet side of farming? Here are some interesting facts about aquaculture:

  • Roughly half the seafood we eat comes from farms.
  • Worldwide, farms now produce more seafood than beef.
  • Aquaculture is the most efficient means of turning feed-grade protein into food-grade protein. 
  • Farmed seafood is wholesome, nutritious, and essential to global food security.  
  • Without hatcheries, many recreational, commercial, and subsistence fisheries wouldn’t exist as they do today.  

“The Factual Fish Squeezer” is a blog about issues related to aquaculture, hatcheries, and farmed fish. Did you know that those neon fish in aquariums are GMOs? Learn more about it, and how it relates to salmon, in this article.

The video “Is Aquaculture Sustainable? Mythbusting Feed, Food, and the Future” provides a wealth of information on aquaculture.

Here at GrowNextGen, we’ve got lots of aquaculture-related resources: