How can you help your students learn about jobs in your area? The Ohio Soybean Council is a co-founding member of the North Central Workforce Alliance (NCWA). NCWA recently held a pilot workshop to connect local teachers to local industry. Nine middle school and high school teachers participated in this two-day event.

Day One introduced teachers to job resources such as Ohio Means Jobs and the Ohio Department of Education’s career tech classroom resources. ODE’s Career Connections helps students see a link between what they’re learning and possible jobs. Career Pathways helps students, teachers and parents learn about career areas and the possible jobs in that area. For instance, in the area of Food Science, students can obtain an associate’s degree and become a food technician or with a bachelor’s degree, become a food scientist.

After learning about these resources, teachers toured ag industry sites. They went to AgriSludge, a biosolid management company in Shreve, Ohio. This company talked about needing mechanics and transportation workers. Next, teachers visited Meyer Hatchery. This facility sells poultry, eggs and supplies and they are looking for hard workers in all areas. The second day of the workshop was devoted to manufacturing field trips, with visits to LuK Manufacturing, Buckeye Container and ArtiFlex.

Be sure to check out the career sites listed above, which are a good fit with the great career resources on our site!