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Food science careers

What are some careers in food science?
The food production sector in Ohio employs nearly 70,000 people and includes some of the biggest food producers in the nation. From developing flavors to checking food quality, there is a lot going on in food science. See teacher background →


# Learn

Students view a career video that discusses a variety of careers in food science at T. Marzetti’s in Columbus, Ohio.


# Explore

Students improve background knowledge about food science. An e-learning course walks students through the basics of the food industry, including food labels, soybean use in food products, and the impact of food on our health.


# Share

Students select a specific career to explore and create a poster that includes salary, education, general description, and job outlook.


Teacher background

Food scientists are leaders in food production and processing, quality assurance and control, technical representation in the sale and marketing of foods, food product development, food science research, and regulation and enforcement of food laws.

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