Matthew Martin
International Diplomacy and Sociology within Social Studies at Dublin Jerome High School
Chuck Crawford and I hope to show other educators that authentic learning can be created in the classroom by using simulations and inquiry based learning. At this time we are working on a simulation called “From the Field to the Table: The Journey of a Seed as it Makes its Way to Your Table”. This journey will include topics such as an Intro to Farms, the power of the Mississippi Valley, Modes of Travel, and What is Made from Soybeans. Students can learn how the agriculture business is a complex model of business that is both domestic and international.
Teachers can contact me about topics related to Social Studies with an emphasis on International Diplomacy, Sociology, and Global Politics.
What was your “aha” moment when you realized the value of using agriculture as a vehicle to teach science?
Because I am a Social Studies teacher, I will take a different approach to this question. I am new to GrowNextGen and I had the opportunity in 2016 to go to the Commodity Classic in New Orleans. During this trip I had the chance to interview Mike Steenhoek, the executive director of the Soy Transportation Coalition (STC). Mr. Steenhoek elaborated on the complexities of the Ag Business and discussed the future interdependence of nations around the globe. During this meeting I realized that agriculture can be a vehicle to teach cross curricular activities.
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