GrowNextGen teacher leader Kelly Lewis is a biosciences technology instructor at Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools. Students in her program received awards at the State Science Day for their projects.

This is the first time Lewis’ students have participated in State Science Day. “We do a capstone project every year as part of the Bioscience curriculum, and a lot of the parameters for the capstone are in line with the Ohio Academy of Science’s requirements,” Lewis said. “This year, the timeline for the District Science day worked in our favor—since it was later than usual, we were able to complete our local competition in time to submit our projects.”

Lewis’ advice to teachers considering participation in the science fairs, either district or state? “There are so many categories and opportunities for this competition. Visit the Ohio Academy of Science website for more information. The guidelines are very well-written, and the organization responds quickly to questions. The students were able to work independently while adhering to the strict due dates to get their work completed. We dove in this year, and while there were a few growing pains, it was worth it!

GrowNextGen has lots of helpful science fair resources too! We’re offering a science fair teacher training webinar on Sept. 21 to get you ready…. register now on our events page!

Mr. Adolphus Ekow Addison
Grade: 12 Project Type: Individual Rating: Superior
Project Title: Growth of Tissue in Biodegradable Scaffolds and Testing Functionality Through Mechanical Testing
Believe in Ohio STEM Entrepreneurship Award
For: Projects that show potential for a commercialized solution to a problem or product development.
Award: $200 cash award Sponsor: The Ohio Academy of Science

Ms. Edna Boadi
Grade: 12 Project Type: Individual Rating: Superior
Project Title: Analyzing Protein Expression in Chicken Samples from Various Food Stores using Proteomics
Science of Food Award
For: 1st place for project in bio chemistry, biomedical or health sciences, chemistry, microbiology or food science as it relates to food.
Award: $3,000 scholarship to attend the Ohio State University Columbus campus, full time, in the Department of Food Science and Technology
Sponsor: The Ohio State University Department of Food Science & Technology

Ms. Fallon Keeton
Grade: 12 Project Type: Individual Rating: Superior
Project Title: The Potential Formation of Chloroform through the Integration of Triclosan into Water

Mr. Jordan Michael Mason
Grade: 12 Project Type: Individual Rating: Superior
Project Title: An Investigation of the Gut Microbiota of Healthy Dogs by Breed, Age, and Sex
Veterinary Medicine Award
For: Outstanding project relating to veterinary medicine
Award: 1st, $250 & certificate Sponsor: Ohio Veterinary Medical Association Auxiliary Animal Science/Veterinary Medicine Award
For: Research in animal health, nutrition, husbandry or related topics
Award: $100 cash Sponsor: Martin E. English, DVM
Osmon Ramsey Environmental & Natural Science Award
For: Outstanding research in the areas of earth & environmental science and animal sciences.
Award: $250 Award Sponsor: The Ohio Academy of Science

Mr. Varun Miriyala
Grade: 12 Project Type: Individual Rating: Superior
Project Title: The role of LOS glycosyltransferase LpsA in adaptation of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae during middle ear infection

Ms. Gabriela Panizo
Grade: 12 Project Type: Individual Rating: Superior
Project Title: The Effects of Red and Far-Red Light on Carbon Dioxide Absorption in Photosynthetic Bacteria

Ms. Olivia Perry
Grade: 12 Project Type: Individual Rating: Superior
Project Title: The Effects of Different Concentrations of Potassium Chloride on the Development of Zebrafish Embryos

Ms. M’Kaia Zhané Trent
Grade: 12 Project Type: Individual Rating: Superior
Project Title: Investigation Between Schwann Cell Nuclei Counts and Internode Length in CMT-2E Models
Future Physician - Scientist Award For: Outstanding project related to the fields of medicine and health science Grade: 7-12
Award: 2nd place, $250
Sponsor: The Ohio State University, College of Medicine and Public Health and OSU Health Systems