GrowNextGen ambassadors are the best! They bring great activities and information to classrooms and public events around the state. Here’s a glimpse of where they’ve been and what they’ve been doing recently:
Alexa Rednour’s Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources class at Cedarville High School learned about how biodiesel is made as well as how you can use renewable resources in everyday life.

195 students at Junior Achievement Columbus learned about soy-based bioproducts and agriculture-related careers.

At Liberty Union STEAM Day, students and parents were interested to see how tire size and tread impact soil compaction.

More than 400 students at the Ohio FFA State Convention learned about how technology is used in agriculture. A demonstration at the GrowNextGen booth showed how tires affect soil compaction, which ultimately affects yield.

At Wood County Ag Day, students heard about the use of drones in modern agriculture. They also did the High-flying Soybeans activity.

We’d love to meet your group! To schedule an ambassador visit, contact us here.
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